TBIC Quarterly

Transatlantic FDI trends compiled and analyzed for U.S. economic development organizations.


Lena Schneider Project Manager

[email protected] ++49 30 2863 6094

Find below the current and past editions of the TBIC Quarterly mailing, offering you the latest take on developments in transatlantic foreign direct investment as curated and analyzed by our experienced staff. 

In addition to providing you with relevant data on FDI inflows to the U.S. - in detail by both sector and European source country - each edition of the TBIC Quarterly also takes a closer look at selected European regions or industries, providing you with valuable information on recent market developments in Europe.

Q3 2024


This edition of our quarterly features an analysis of the newly published data for Q3 2024, along with revised figures from previous quarters, as recently released by the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA). Inflows for the third quarter reached $71.8 billion, slightly below the upwardly revised $75.6 billion for Q2 2024. The manufacturing sector remained a significant contributor, with noticeable increases in the machinery and transportation sectors, further emphasizing the sector's resilience and growth potential.

This issue also includes a time series focusing on French foreign direct investment into the United States, highlighting France's robust investment presence and continued growth in sectors like aerospace, pharmaceuticals, and renewable energy.

Q2 2024


This edition of our quarterly features an analysis of the newly published data for Q4 2023 and revised data for the previous quarters, as recently released by the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA). The $66.2 billion worth of FDI inflow for the fourth quarter, reflects a general trend for the past years in fourth quarter decreases. At the same time, third quarter figures were revised upward to a respectable $73.1 billion. Food and machinery sectors continue to dominate, and further capitalized on positive momentum as signified by a considerable increase in investments within those sectors.

This issue also includes a time series focusing on Spanish foreign direct investment into the United States.

Q1 2024


This edition of our quarterly features an analysis of the newly published data for Q3 2023 and revised data for the previous quarters, as recently released by the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA). With $67.8 billion worth of investment, third quarter FDI inflows decreased from inflows in Q2 2023, which were revised to a little higher amount of $78.5 billion. Of this $67.8 billion in Q3 2023 FDI inflows, approximately $26.0 billion were in the manufacturing sector, or roughly, 33.2%.

This issue also includes a time series focusing on Austrian foreign direct investment into the United States.

Q4 2023


This quarterly assesses macroeconomic and international trends, based on the figures for Q2 - and a revised Q1 - published by the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA). With $75.5 billion worth of investment, second quarter FDI inflows decreased from inflows in Q1 2023, which were revised lower by $4.9 billion - from $109.3 billion to $104.4 billion. Of this Q2 inward FDI flow billion in Q3 2023 FDI inflows, approximately $41.7 billion were in the manufacturing sector, or roughly, 55.2%.

This issue also includes a time series focusing on Italian foreign direct investment into the United States.

Q3 2023


This edition of our quarterly, goes into the first reliable economic figures of 2023 - the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) recently released data for Q1 2023. With an estimated $109.3 billion inward FDI flow, Q1 2023 is the highest performing quarter since the end of 2021. The report also revises the last quarter of 2022 - an upward revision of 6.4%. $4.7 billion of the $109.3 were spent on R&D, and $35.2 billion were spent in the manufacturing sector.

This issue also includes a time series focusing on German foreign direct investment into the United States.

Q2 2023


This latest issue of our quarterly features an analysis of the newly published preliminary (p) data for Q4 2022 and partially revised data (r) for Q3 2022, as recently released by the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA). With $71.6 billion worth of investment, fourth quarter preliminary FDI inflows were significantly weaker than the inflows of Q3 2022, which, according to the latest revised figures, came up to $97.8 billion. The majority of FDI inflows in the fourth quarter of last year went into holding companies ($48.1 billion), followed by manufacturing ($13.6 billion), finance (except depository institutions) and insurance ($10.6 billion).

This edition includes a time series focusing on German foreign direct investment into the United States.

Q1 2023


This issue of our quarterly features an analysis of the newly published preliminary (p) data for Q1 2023 and partially revised data (r) for Q4 2022, as recently released by the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA). With $109.3 billion worth of investment, first quarter preliminary FDI inflows grew significantly from inflows in Q4 2022, which were only slightly revised to $76.2 billion. Of this $109.3 billion in Q1 2023 FDI inflows, approximately $27.5 billion were in the manufacturing sector, or roughly, 25%. 

This edition also includes a time series focusing on German foreign direct investment to the United States.

Q4 2022


This edition of our quarterly features an analysis of the preliminary data for Q4 2022 and partially revised data for Q3 2022, as recently released by the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA). With $71.6 billion worth of investment, fourth quarter FDI inflows were significantly weaker than the inflows of Q3 2022, which, according to the latest revised figures, came up to $97.8 billion. The majority of FDI inflows in the fourth quarter of last year went into holding companies ($48.1 billion), followed by manufacturing ($13.6 billion), finance (excpet depository institutions) and insurance ($10.6 billion).

This edition also includes a time series focusing on German foreign direct investment to the United States.

Q3 2022


In this edition of our quarterly features an analysis of the preliminary data for Q3 2022 and partially revised data for Q2 2022, as recently released by the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA). With $84.8 billion worth of investment, third quarter FDI inflows were significantly stronger than the inflows of Q2 2022, which, according to the latest revised figures, came up to $74.0 billion. The majority of FDI inflows in the third quarter of this year went into manufacturing activities ($35.6 billion), followed by other industries ($24.1 billion) and wholesale trade ($14.8 billion).

This edition also includes a time series focusing on Austrian FDI into the United States.

Q2 2022


This edition of our quarterly features an analysis of the preliminary data for Q2 2022 and partially revised data for Q1 2022, as recently released by the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA). With $71.9 billion worth of investment, second quarter FDI inflows were almost as strong as the inflows of Q1 2022, which, according to the latest revised figures, came up to $74.6 billion. The majority of FDI inflows in the second quarter of this year went into manufacturing activities ($21.3 billion), followed by real estate and rental and leasing ($11.3 billion) and other industries ($9.8 billion).

This edition also includes a time series focusing on Israeli foreign direct investment to the United States.

Q1 2022


This issue of our quarterly features an analysis of the preliminary data for Q1 2022 and partially revised data for Q4 2021, as recently released by the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA). With $67.9 billion worth of investment, the first quarter of 2022 finished 46 percent below Q4 2021, which, according to the latest revised figures, witnessed the strongest inflow of FDI to the United States since 2018. This downward trend is also reflected in the preliminary numbers for the food and machinery sectors, which saw investment decline compared to Q4 2021. Investment also decreased in the transportation equipment sector but with an estimated $2.9 billion quarterly investment flow in Q1 2022 compared to $ 3.5 billion in Q4 2021, it performed better than the other two sectors mentioned above.

This edition also includes a time series focusing on Swiss foreign direct investment to the United States. 

Q4 2021


In this edition of our quarterly we analyze the preliminary data for Q4 2021 and partially revised data for Q3 2021, as released by the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA). With $124.8 billion worth of investment, the fourth quarter of 2021 finished slightly below Q3 2021, which witnessed the strongest inflows of FDI to the United States since 2018. Overall FDI inflows to the U.S. in 2021 – $382 billion – more than doubled compared to the total volume of FDI flows recorded in 2020 – $164.4 billion. The 2021 FDI inflows were also 1.4 times higher than in 2019.

This edition also includes a time series focusing on French foreign direct investments to the United States.

Q3 2021


This issue of our Quarterly presents key figures of the December 2021 release of the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), with preliminary data (p) for Q3 2021 and partially revised data (r) for Q2 2021. With USD 118.1 billion worth of foreign direct investments, Q3 2021 marks the strongest quarter in more than three years. In the three first quarters of 2021, FDI to the United States already surpass the financial flows recorded for the entire year of 2020 by more than 50 percent . Germany continues to be an essential driver of transatlantic FDI recovery & expansion, with a quarterly investment to the U.S. estimated at USD 10.4 billion.

Our time series is dedicated to the evolution of Austrian FDI to the U.S. since the turn of the millenium.

Q2 2021


In this edition of our Quarterly, we analyse preliminary data (p) for Q2 2021 and partially revised data (r) for for Q1 2021, as published in September 2021 by the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA). The edition also uses data from the World Investment Report of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) published in June 2021. With quarterly inflows superior to USD 70 billion in Q1 and Q2 2021, U.S.-bound FDI inflows are on track to rebound to their pre-pandemic level this year. German FDI hit a record high USD 23 billion inflow in Q2 2021.

To put this recent figure into perspective, we dedicated a section of this quarterly to showcase the evolution of German FDI to the U.S. over the last two decades.

Q1 2021


This issue of our Quarterly analyses preliminary data (p) for Q1 2021 and partially revised data (r) for all four Quarters of 2020, as published in July 2021 by the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA). The edition also contains figures from the latest World Investment Report of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). Despite a historical 40% drop in incoming FDI in 2020, the United States remain the first FDI destination worldwide. Preliminary data for Q1 2021 shows encouraging signs of recovery in international FDI.

Q4 2020


This edition of our Quarterly includes the analysis of the newly published preliminary (p) data for Q4 2020 and partially revised data (r) for Q3, Q2 and Q1 2020, as recently published by the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA). The final quarter of 2020 proved to be the strongest of the year with an FDI inflow of almost USD 70 billion. Nonetheless, FDI in the U.S. in all of 2020 came in at USD 177.1 billion, making it the weakest year over the past decade. 

Q3 2020


In this edition of our Quarterly, we have analyzed the newly published preliminary data for Q3 2020 and revised data for Q2 2020, as recently published by the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis. Direct investment into the United States (including equity & debt instruments) increased slightly from USD 23.3 billion in Q2 2020 to USD 44.2 billion in Q3 2020 – indicating a minor but not yet sustainable stabilization from the global economic disruptions due to COVID-19. 

Q2 2020


In this edition of our Quarterly, we have analyzed the newly published preliminary data for Q2 2020 and revised data for Q1 2020, as recently published by the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis. Direct investment into the United States (including equity & debt instruments) fell quarter-on-quarter by about 62 percent from USD 42.5 billion in Q1 2020 (revised) to USD 16.4 billion in Q2 2020 – indicating the global economic disruptions due to COVID-19. 

Q1 2020


This edition of our Quarterly, shows the newly published preliminary data for Q1 2020 and revised data for Q4 2019, as recently published by the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis. Direct investment into the United States (including equity & debt instruments) fell quarter-on-quarter from USD 77.3 billion in Q4 2019 (revised) to USD 57.5 billion in Q1 2020. 

Q4 2019 


In this edition of our TBIC Quarterly, we present data for the entire year of 2019, including the preliminary numbers for the fourth quarter, as well as revised numbers for the third quarter of 2019. Direct investment into the United States rose from USD 32 billion in Q3 to USD 68.7 billion in Q4 2019. Together with a revised number for the third quarter - down from USD 33.9 to 32 billion - total FDI in 2019 in the U.S. amounted to roughly USD 261.5 billion, showing a decrease of 2.6% compared to total FDI in 2018. 

Q3 2019


This edition provides you with FDI data for the third quarter in 2019. With USD 33.9 billion, direct investment into the U.S. has declined in comparison to the two previous quarters. Total FDI in the first three quarters of 2019 amounted to roughly USD 195 billion, showing an increase of 6.2% compared to the same period in 2018. Comparatively, German investments in the U.S. remain high and stable, despite a weakening of the domestic economy.

Q2 2019


In this edition we present data for the second quarter in 2019 as well as updated numbers for the first quarter 2019. With USD 64.2 billion direct investment into the United States in the second quarter, the year started on a relatively strong trend. Total FDI in the the U.S. in the first two quarters amounted to approximately USD 150 billion - compared to a sluggish start of USD 60 billion in the same period in 2018. Direct investment in the three key manufacturing industries of Food, Machinery, and Transportation fell in the second quarter of 2019 compared to Q1 2019.

Q1 2019


In this edition we analyze data for the first quarter of 2019 and provide updated figures for the year 2018.

Overall net direct investment into the United States for the year 2019 starts on a strong note with direct investment amounting to USD 79.5 billion. Data on FDI in the United States for the year 2018 war revised slightly upwards for Q2 2018, although the total investment in the U.S. remained largely unchanged from the data for Q4 2018.

Q4 2018


Please find in this edition our FDI data analysis for the fourth quarter in 2018.

Q3 2018


Please find in this edition our FDI data analysis for the third quarter in 2018.

Q2 2018


Please find in this edition our FDI data analysis for the second quarter in 2018.

Q1 2018


Please find in this edition our FDI data anaylsis for the first quarter in 2018.