Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) has become one of the major sources of manufacturing jobs in the United States. As American manufacturers moved manufacturing jobs to China and Mexico, European companies have stepped into the void and created millions of well-paid jobs in local communities all over the United States.
FDI is this important and valuable because European companies have for decades proven that their products can compete on the world market. Now they are looking for long-term investments.
The leading source of FDI in the United States is Europe, a diverse group of independent nations with unique legal and tax systems, a region where over 25 languages are spoken, and that is home to many of the leading advanced manufacturing companies in the world. In 2018, cumulative European FDI in the U.S. reached a value of $3 trillion, which makes Europe by far the most important foreign investor in the United States. Seven European countries rank among the ten most important foreign investors in the U.S., including the Netherlands, Switzerland, Germany, France and the United Kingdom. Iconic European companies such as Airbus, BMW, Volvo, Rolls-Royce, Siemens, Bayer, Valeo, Fiat, Faurecia, Gestamp, Vestas, Schaeffler and scores of their suppliers have increased their business fortunes by moving across the Atlantic to the United States. FDI is therefore essential and valuable – these companies have over decades already proven that their products can compete on the world market and are continuously looking for further long-term investments. The TBIC continues to support European businesses in their endeavor to establish a first foothold or expand their operations in the United States, drawing on our wide-ranging network of pre-screened community and corporate members and distinguished experts in the field of transatlantic FDI.
Recruiting Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) to your community is challenging. It is not easy to be heard over the noise of 3,143 counties with various Economic Development Organizations (EDOs) across the United States.
Few EDOs have the resources to be visible in Europe. Other communities invest a lot of time and money to organize trips to Europe to market themselves to potential investors.
There is a better way: by joining the Transatlantic Business & Investment Council (TBIC), you gain the best platform to market your community to European investors.
The TBIC Team has a wide network of investors all over Europe and speaks all major European languages. It is highly experienced in organizing events, B2B meetings and all relevant services for our Members.
Our Advisory Council (AC) supports the TBIC network with its expertise and its network. It consists of site selectors, consulting firms and other advisers who are experienced in working with European investors in the United States.
Being invited to become a TBIC Member means that your Community qualifies to join the ranks of our distinguished Members who have shown extraordinary preparedness to work with European investors. Membership offers you and your community a range of benefits.